The Beginning

My mind feels more and more like a yarn ball. There are so many thoughts that are interconnected that there is a massive entanglement going on. I want this blog to help unravel the yarn ball, or at least try to keep the strands of thought neat. I find that writing, probably as it does for many, helps me analyze my own thinking. Sometimes my thoughts are half baked and require more deep thought. Sometimes I just need to think through an issue before I even feel comfortable speaking about it.

This blog is a repository for thinking. Sometimes what I post will be half baked and I may change my mind about what I write later. Sometimes what I post will be, at least what I think in the moment is, my final position.

Mostly, this blog is for me. If you come across it, you are welcome to read through and interact with what I've written. But reader beware, my mind can be a yarn ball.